Thursday, October 8, 2009

Atlanta Philosophy Film Festival Today

The inaugural Atlanta Philosophy Film Festival is today. The festival features a selection of short films that will be screened at the Plaza Theatre. The event is the brainchild of Georgia State philosophy student Chris Fogarty and local artist Samuel Dyches. Here is how they describe the concept:

The Atlanta Philosophy Film Festival is the combination of the thirst for knowledge and understanding for the bigger questions in life so often explored and debated inside the walls of University and the love of the Classic Cinema which traditionally offers more questions than answers about the human condition.
Chris Fogarty, a philosophy student at Georgia State University, constantly approaches the big questions through reflection, writing, and conversation while he pursues his undergraduate degree. Aware of the many tools for philosophical discussion, Chris often turns to the cinema for refreshing and innovative perspectives on the most basic and classic human endeavors. His love for cinema is matched only by Samuel Dyches, a local artist, who lives for independent moviemaking unrestricted by Hollywood censorship and big studio trends. After spending several years in the background helping to organize the Humboldt Film Festival, the oldest student-run film festival in the world, then later the New York International Latino Film Festival, Samuel decided to create a festival featuring the films he loves- Philosophy Films.
Chris and Samuel both share the continuous quest for knowledge the field of philosophy offers and both are driven to collect, archive, share, and celebrate the philosophical films and videos that ask the big questions in life.
The Atlanta Philosophy Film Festival is the only festival of its kind in the United States and will celebrate its inaugural screening in 2009. It is our vision and our hope to not only screen important short films, but also create an environment of cultural, aesthetical, and historical enrichment through conversation, presentation, and cinematic celebration.


  1. So how was the Atlanta Philosophy Film Festival? Any comments after attending?

  2. Unfortunately, I was not able to attend. But if any readers are out there who attended and would like to leave a comment about the festival, I will gladly post it.


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